Solving real problems takes real effort, commitment and vision.  Rotarians work to protect communities from preventable diseases, keep women and children healthy, improve education and economic outcomes, create safe water and sanitation infrastructure and make our community and the world a more peaceful and prosperous place.

Some of the local and global projects we are engaged in, together with a range of partners, are:

•Peninsula Bay Trail – together with State and Shire governments and Peninsula Rotary clubs to complete the walking/cycling path around the Peninsula
•Somerville Beautification – along with other local groups enhancement of Somerville central “Triangle”
•Inter Schools Activity Challenge (ISAC) –primary level competitions involving STEM and construction skills
•Wheelchairs For Kids – assisting the Rotary Club of Scarborough (WA) providing mobility for young disabled
•Ending Polio – partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organisation and UNICEF to end Polio, once and for all
•Disaster Aid – contributing to relief packages both in Australia and overseas