To join the Club, the first stage is to meet us to learn about the Club and the members.
The second stage is to apply for membership.
STAGE 1 – Come along to A CLUB MEETING
We meet every Wednesday, 6:30 pm for informal drinks and dinner at the Somerville Community House, 2/21 Worwong Avenue (Formerly Blacks Camp Rd), Somerville and we would like you to join us.  Or you may like to help with one of our hands on projects and experience our Club’s culture that way.  Either way, you will be more than welcome.
Simply go to the CONTACT page and send us an email or give us a ring.
STAGE 2 – Becoming A Member
Subscription Fees
We endeavour to keep our membership fees as low as possible to make Rotary affordable so as to encourage new members to join.  In addition, there is a small charge for dinner and drinks to cover direct costs.
Working With Children
As much of the Club’s work is focused on youth, new members will be required to have a Working With Children Card (WWC). WWC cards for volunteers are free and can be obtained through the government website,
Expression of Interest
 If you are interested in becoming a member, please get in touch and talk about how you can help make a difference in our community.